From Bears and Trees To Mushrooms and Bees

Price: $17.95

In this book, the main character Max is a boy whose curiosity leads him on a scientific path to solve a worldwide problem: Save the bees! The story underscores the complex inter-relationships of life cycles between bears, trees, mushrooms, bees, humans and much more. David and Paul hope this story will inspire your children to become Citizen Scientists. The message is that we need to protect this beautiful planet we call Earth, our home.

FINN The Frog Who Played the Violin

Price: $10.00

FINN, The Frog Who Played The Violin, has a special talent for playing the violin, but his most special talent is what he is about to give to others. Finn, the violin-playing frog, always knew who he was and what his talents were. But when all the other frogs try to tease him and discourage him, will FINN compromise his values and dreams?

Find out in FINN–The Frog who Played the Violin.

What Is Out There
Beyond My Branch?

Price: $12.95

Growing up is about a series of transformations to a deeper sense of self. David Marshall spins a tale of transformation in this beautiful story, What Is Out There Beyond My Branch, teaching that these transformations, while they may feel painful and confusing, will lead you to discover new resources within and a new significant understanding of life.

What Will I Become?

Price: $11.95

Children often desperately search for acceptance and success, often undervaluing who they are and what they can do. Learning to have a healthy sense of self can be the most significant lesson a child can learn.

In, What Will I Become? Children learn that being happy in life starts by learning how to be happy with who you are.

Hey kids, what do you want to be when you
grow up?

ADDO (The story of a baby african elephant)

Price: $12.95

HICCUP The Boy Who Had Everything

Price: $10.00

Hiccup is a boy who gets everything he asks for and soon learns that getting everything you want might not be what it is made out to be. In this delightful story, the lessons illustrated will go a long way to help the whole family.

For a child, the frightening feelings of abandonment and loss are not easily explained. Today these experiences are labeled with clinical words too clinical for a child to understand or make the connection to the meaning of life. It’s time for a different way of imagining this shared experience, and therefore a different way of helping children deal with it.

I Learned
Something Today

Price: $10.00

A story about bullying that explores how bullying won’t stop until the bully’s heart changes. Until then, bullying is going to be with us. Until we start teaching emotional wellness at the elementary school level, there will be angry children moving through our childhoods, leaving pain and heartache in their wake. While every victim’s story must be told, every bully needs to be aware of the very real devastation and seriousness of their actions.

Max and the
Spirit Bear

I Just Want To Be
Normal, That’s All.

Price: $7.95

Today’s children often face the safety of conformance and the risks of independence. It’s a choice that can mean the difference of a life–and of a lifetime. Children often feel like they don’t fit in and either struggle for recognition or grow quiet and withdraw. This humorous story helps kids understand that it is our differences that are often our biggest assets, and learning to recognize what makes us different is what makes us unique and beautiful.

Max continues in this epic adventure visiting his grandfather in the Great Bear Wilderness, where he encounters the Spirit Bear, a rare “black” bear that is white.

Kids will learn about endangered species, rain forest ecosystems and the current research and science of how mushrooms help to remediate contaminated waterways. Max enlists his Grandpa, Tonkawa, the Spirit Bear cub, and his newly found forest friends in a desperate but heroic attempt to save Great Bear Wilderness from imminent destruction.

This story illustrates that it’s important for all of us to understand and care for our environment and aims to inspire kids to become citizen scientists of our planet. At times, it is literally a cliff hanger. Max’s adventures will continue in this series, so stay tuned!

Price: $29.95